So you just upgraded to the latest Fedora/Debian/Ubuntu/whatever, and you can't get the old eMusic DLM working anymore? Yeah, that happened to me too, but I fixed it.
If you just upgraded to Fedora 19, my help will be completely trouble-free for you. Otherwise, you may need to adapt these instructions and possibly the package itself to your OS's needs. If your OS doesn't use RPM, you should be able to do this with just the tarball that eMusic is still providing, or if they've stopped providing even that, you can install some RPM tools on your system and extract the archive from this RPM I'm providing.
Step 1) Install Firefox and the rpm-build package. We're going to build an RPM in order to exploit its automatic dependency determination, and subsequently YUM's automatic dependency installation. And Firefox because the old eMusic DLM only works w/Firefox, afaik.
# yum install firefox rpm-buildThe old DLM only works with Firefox, as far as I know. I haven't been able to get it to work otherwise.
Step 2) Download the old eMusic Download Manager" in tarball format. We're going to make an RPM.
# wget 3) Create rpmbuild/SPECS and rpmbuild/SOURCES directories in your home directory
# mkdir -p rpmbuild/{SPECS,SOURCES}Step 4) Move the emusic_linux_current.tar.gz file into the new SOURCES directory.
# mv emusic_linux_current.tar.gz rpmbuild/SOURCESStep 5) Create a file called emusic-dlm.spec in the rpmbuild/SPECS directory with the following content:
%define userid root %define groupid root %define version 4.1.4 %define rel 4 %define debug_package %{nil} %define prefix /opt/emusic/%{version} # This should be set to the first two directories from the # emusic_linux_current.tar.gz tarball, but without the leading slash. %define archivelead builds/emusicdlm Summary: eMusic Download Manager Name: emusic-dlm Version: %{version} Release: %{rel} License: Proprietary Packager: It was All Me! Group: Commercial Source: emusic_linux_current.tar.gz BuildArch: i686 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot AutoReqProv: yes %description The download manager for eMusic. Set your firefox preferences to use /opt/emusic/4.1.4/emusicdlm as the handler for emusic download files. %prep %setup -q -n %{archivelead} %build %install rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{prefix} cd ${RPM_BUILD_DIR}/%{archivelead} find . | cpio -dumpv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{prefix} %clean rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(-, %{userid}, %{groupid}, -) %{prefix} %post %postun %changelog
You should now have the following files below your home directory:
rpmbuild/SPECS/emusic-dlm.spec rpmbuild/SOURCES/emusic_linux_current.tar.gzStep 6) Create the RPM using the rpmbuild command:
# setarch i686 rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/emusic-dlm.specYou should now have an RPM in the rpmbuild/RPMS/i686 directory called emusic-dlm-4.1.4-4.i686.rpm.
Step 7) Install the RPM and its dependencies using YUM
# yum localinstall rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/emusic-dlm-4.1.4-4.i686.rpmStep 8) Configure Firefox to use /opt/emusic/4.1.4/emusicdlm for .emx files by opening Firefox and going to this URL, which will plant a cookie in the browser indicating that the DLM has been installed.
Step 9) Click on a download link for a song or album. When presented with the "0.emx" file, choose "Open with", and browse to /opt/emusic/4.1.4/emusicdlm. Also be sure to click on "Always do this".